Thursday, October 6, 2011

It’s taken me this long to finally come to grips with the fact that this blog has run its course. The main purpose of it was to recount my post-UN life in the South of France. The fact that I embarked upon a culinary adventure directed the course of the blog… to my great pleasure, and that, from what I understand, of my readers. For those who don’t know, I left Marseille over the summer, took a job in a French brasserie in Geneva, got the pink slip there on my fifth week, and returned to the international organization scene. What transpired at the brasserie deserves an entire blog to itself… but given my professionalism and discretion I decided not to write about my first job in the kitchen, at least not while I was an employee! So thanks to all of you who have followed and encouraged me, from Pakistan to the Ukraine (I loved checking my readership stats – cool graphs!), and hope to see you all soon in cyberspace with even more food! W.


  1. So sorry to hear that! I hope you're doing well.
    Are you back in the States?

  2. hey zen chef, i'm good, thanks, cooking at home and taking classes here and there, going to Anne-Sophie Pic's at the end of the month...
    but I have moved to Geneva, not sure when I'll be back in the States. Hope all is well in NYC!
